Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Double trouble

What is it about toddlers? Why do they have such a bad reputation? Louis has just turned two, which by all accounts should make him twice as annoying as when he was one. But frankly he's anything but. I realise I'm tempting all kinds of fate in writing this, which partly explains my recent reticence in posting (either that or I'm still struggling to come to terms with my new look), but if anything life with Louis is getting easier, not harder. 

If I'm honest, I'd always been dreading this. Dreading him hitting two. Double trouble and all that. Babies, I figured I could deal with. After all, they don't want for much beyond copious milk and a warm chest to cuddle. And with enough coffee even the sleepless nights were bearable. Kind of. But two year olds. Quite a different matter. For starters, you actually have to do stuff with them; you can't just tout them around on endless walks and lunches out. And this prospect had, frankly, terrified me. Thinking of them as their own little person, with opinions, and wants, and needs. That, that scared me. 

Yet the reality is quite, quite different from my misguided anticipation. And what I'm wondering is, why? Why is it that everyone fears a toddler? Why do you only ever hear about the tantrums; the frustration - theirs and yours; the potty training nightmares; the sibling jealousy? I'm not exaggerating the bad press they get. Just the other day I got an email at work from some random PR telling me "two-thirds of parents admit their toddler is a thief". (Apparently they filch stuff from shops.) 

So I realise this might be unpopular and I'm prepared for it to come back and bite me on my copious behind, but just for the record I'd like to pay Louis a tribute. Heck, I'd like to pay all toddlers a tribute. They're funny and smart and loving and sweet and darn good company, all at the same time. And that's a lot more than I can say for most of their parents; present company very much included. 

Or am I totally bonkers?? 


Hackney Hackette said...

I agree. I have a three month old and a two and a half year old, and I find babies much more challenging to look after than toddlers. Babies can't tell you what they want (with words, anyway - I find its a bit of a guessing game) and both mine seemed (seem) frustrated with the very state of being a baby, only chilling out when they could sit up and play. Toddlers are loads of fun.

Babies who brunch said...

@HH: glad someone agrees!

spudballoo said...

Hee hee....I totally agree that small people are a lot easier than tiny babies. I find babies really tough.

But, erm, well he's only 'just' turned two. Plus, it's not the terrible twos that are the worst...try the threenage years...or the f**king fours....;-)

But totally agree that toddlers/preschoolers are heaps easier than babies, despite the tantrums/strops/rages (or is that just my boys?!) xx

Metropolitan Mum said...

Little L is 15 months and she has just discovered the word 'Nein', which means No in German. It's terrible already. So here's hoping it will stop once she turns two.

Babies who brunch said...

@spudballoo: yeah.... i kinda feared this was just a bit of a toddlermoon period.

@Metropolitan Mum: that said, turning 2 is the business! talking definitely helps though. i have friends with toddlers who don't say much and i think they're harder work. i am lucky.

Mrs. said...

agreed! Phoebe is tons of fun...and so are alex and tommy- we got loads of time with them too! I am enjoying this stage, thus far, knock on wood!

love the cake!

Babies who brunch said...

@Mrs: Oh how we wish we could hang with Phoebe, Alex and Tommy.... must sort out a trip to DC!

Planethalder said...

Agreed. Two is so much more fun than one. She can talk now! And she makes jokes! I haven't laughed so much since before she was born. And for some reason I'm managing to tune out the tantrums - perhaps now because she's more easy to distract with conversation and silly songs... But yes, perhaps it will all go downhill for us when they turn 2.5 or 3.

Babies who brunch said...

@Planethalder: jokes? i'd better tell Louis to get working on his routine....

Planethalder said...

LOL, rest assured they are toddler-level jokes eg pointing at a strawberry and saying "That's not a strawberry that's a poo poo!" or pointing to a fly buzzing around her head and exclaiming "Go away fly or I will eat you, yum yum in my tum!" then giggling hysterically.

Hayley said...

That cake is amazing! Wowee!!! Lots of E numbers though in the colouring? Thinking of my own allergy there lol rather than my sons haha! :D You have an award and tag over at mine hun :D xx