Saturday, January 10, 2009

First Grandma

                  G'ma Penny gets to work on Christmas Day

Behind every great man stands a great woman, or so the old adage goes. And behind every great power couple stands a power grandma, or so the babieswhobrunch adage goes. Witness the Obama household: Barack's mother-in-law arrived in DC today ready to fill the void left when Daddy finally starts his job leading the free world and Mommy gets busy with her First Lady duties. 

Malia and Sasha already have Marian Robinson, Michelle's Mom, to thank for looking after them while their parents were on the campaign trail. They know they owe her: the president-elect (PEBO to Beltway insiders) told a reporter the girls' grandma was "one of the unsung heroes" of the election. 

So far Louis' grandmas have had it pretty easy. True, there's been presents to buy and the odd night of babysitting to do but that's about it. He's keen to know what his parents can achieve once his grandmas get to work. With two on the scene plus a great one down the road in Brighton, he's got high hopes once we move back to the UK. In the meantime, he will be watching events in the White House closely. 

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