For rent: "cosy" two-bed condo, plenty of cream walls and minimal windows. Sleeps four (small) adults and two babies. Could squeeze additional small child into walk-in closet. Rate: sky-high for inauguration weekend.
Canny DC residents are posting ads like this all over the web as the city's 95,000 hotel rooms fill up ahead of 20 January so Louis thought he should also get in on the action. (That's the front door to our apartment pictured behind Louis and his Mom above.) Listen hard, and in between the incessant sirens you can hear phones ringing non-stop as friends of friends of friends seek out anyone they know in Washington in the quest for a place to crash on 20 January. It's already floor space only in many apartments; expect a rush on airbeds in Target.
Pundits expect Obamamania to draw a crowd of 1.5 million plus, topping the previous record set for a presidential parade at Lyndon B Johnson's swearing in back in 1965. That is, if people can actually make it to DC. Seats on flights into town are already selling out. Louis has already resigned himself to missing the inauguration proper: the 250,000 tickets will be available only to Americans via their Congressmen - not, as some reports suggest, via eBay for $40,000. In fact, it will be a federal offence to sell a ticket. But he is hoping at least to catch a glimpse of Mr President-elect as he makes his way down Pennsylvania Avenue from Capitol Hill to the White House. Failing that, maybe he could score a ticket to one of the capital's evening balls: tradition has it that Barack and Michelle will show their faces at many of them for a quick dance. Louis is practising his moves in anticipation (video link to follow).
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