Saturday, November 8, 2008

Jobs for the boys

Keen as Louis is on his burgeoning career as a newspup, he is excited by news today that he can apply for a job in President-elect Obama's new administration. Yes, really. Taking his "anything is possible" creed to the max, Obama is giving ordinary Joes (and Josephs and Louis's) the chance to join his team. Application forms are available at, Obama's new website, but competition for posts is expected to be intense given Americans' new sense of self-belief following the African-American's election victory. 

Given Obama's obsession with young voters, Louis reckons that at five months and two days he is aptly qualified to advise the new president on the issues that really matter. Never mind better public schools, top of Louis's policy list would be opening new toy shops and running more baby-focused classes. His Mom has failed to find him any swimming lessons and the only music class she has managed to get him into is decidedly lame. So far he's had one teacher who was tone deaf and one suffering from laryngitis.

Three days in and Louis is already impressed with the President-elect's priorities. In his first press conference today, Obama revealed that getting his children a puppy to take with them to the White House was up there with solving the economic crisis and responding to the Iranian leader in terms of importance. Asked what breed the new dog would be, Obama said probably a "mutt" like him. Maybe the new dog could apply for a post within the administration: he could be in charge of sniffing out all the political rats standing in Obama's way.  

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